Microprogrammed Control


Once the configuration of a computer and its microprogrammed control unit is established, the designer's task is to generate the microcode for the control memory. This code generation, called microprogramming, is a process similar to conventional machine language programming. To illustrate this process, we present here a simple digital computer and show how it is microprogrammed.

Computer Configuration

The block diagram of the computer consists of two memory units: a main memory for storing instructions and data, and a control memory for storing the microprogram. Four registers are associated with the processor unit and two with the control unit. The processor registers are:

  • Program Counter (PC)
  • Address Register (AR)
  • Data Register (DR)
  • Accumulator Register (AC)

The control unit has a Control Address Register (CAR) and a Subroutine Register (SBR). The control memory and its registers are organized as a microprogrammed control unit.

The transfer of information among the registers in the processor is done through multiplexers rather than a common bus. DR can receive information from AC, PC, or memory. AR can receive information from PC or DR. PC can receive information only from AR. The arithmetic, logic, and shift unit performs micro-operations with data from AC and DR and places the result in AC. Memory receives its address from AR. Input data written to memory come from DR, and data read from memory can go only to DR.


Instruction Format

The computer instruction format consists of three fields: a 1-bit field for indirect addressing (I), a 4-bit operation code (opcode), and an 11-bit address field. Four of the 16 possible memory-reference instructions are listed below:

  • ADD: Adds the content of the operand found in the effective address to the content of AC.
  • BRANCH: Causes a branch to the effective address if the operand in AC is negative.
  • STORE: Transfers the content of AC into the memory word specified by the effective address.
  • EXCHANGE: Swaps the data between AC and the memory word specified by the effective address.

Each computer instruction must be microprogrammed. Only four instructions are considered here to simplify the microprogramming example.

Microinstruction Format

The microinstruction format for the control memory is divided into four functional parts: three fields (F1, F2, and F3) specify micro-operations for the computer, the CD field selects status bit conditions, the BR field specifies the type of branch to be used, and the AD field contains a branch address. The address field is seven bits wide, since the control memory has 128 words.

Hello Hello

Microinstruction Fields and Codes

FieldBinary CodeMicrooperation SymbolDescription
F1000NOPNo operation
001ADDACAC+DRAC \leftarrow AC + DR
010CLRACAC0AC \leftarrow 0
011INCACACAC+1AC \leftarrow AC + 1
100DRTACACDRAC \leftarrow DR
101DRTARARDR(010)AR \leftarrow DR (0-10)
110PCTARARPCAR \leftarrow PC
111WRITEM[AR]DRM[AR] \leftarrow DR
F2000NOPNooperationNo \: operation
001SUBACACDRAC \leftarrow AC - DR
010ORACACVDRAC \leftarrow AC V DR
011ANDACAC/ DRAC \leftarrow AC /\ DR
100READDRM[AR]DR \leftarrow M[AR]
101DRTACDRACDR \leftarrow AC
110INCDRDRDR+1DR \leftarrow DR + 1
111PCTDRDR(010)PCDR(0-10) \leftarrow PC
F3000NOPNooperationNo operation
001XORACACDRAC \leftarrow AC ⊕ DR
010COMACACAC \leftarrow AC
101INCPCPCPC+1PC \leftarrow PC + 1
110ARTPCPCARPC \leftarrow AR

Condition and Branch Fields

FieldBinary CodeSymbolCondition
01IIndirect Address
10SSign Bit of AC
11ZZero in AC
01CALLCall Subroutine
10RETReturn from Subroutine
11MAPMap Opcode to CAR

Symbolic Microinstructions

A symbolic microprogram can be translated into its binary equivalent by means of an assembler. Each line of the assembly language microprogram defines a symbolic microinstruction. Each symbolic microinstruction is divided into five fields: label, microoperations, CD, BR, and AD.

Fetch Routine

The fetch routine consists of three microinstructions, which are placed in control memory at addresses 64, 65, and 66:

  1. PCTAR - Transfer the address from PC to AR.
  2. READ, INCPC - Read the instruction from memory into DR, and increment PC.
  3. DRTAR - Transfer the address part of the instruction from DR to AR and map the opcode to CAR.

Symbolic Microprogram

ORG 64
FETCH:   PCTAR                   U   JMP   NEXT
         READ, INCPC             U   JMP   NEXT
         DRTAR                   U   MAP   

Binary Microprogram

AddressBinary Microinstruction
1000000110 000 000 00 00 1000001
1000001000 100 101 00 00 1000010
1000010101 000 000 00 11 0000000

Microinstruction Routines

Here are the microinstruction routines for the four computer instructions:

  1. ADD Instruction:

    ORG 0
    ADD:     NOP                       I   CALL   INDRCT
             READ                      U   JMP    NEXT
             ADD                       U   JMP    FETCH
  2. BRANCH Instruction:

    ORG 4
    BRANCH:  NOP                       S   JMP    OVER
             NOP                       U   JMP    FETCH
    OVER:    NOP                       I   CALL   INDRCT
             ARTPC                     U   JMP    FETCH
  3. STORE Instruction:

    ORG 8
    STORE:   NOP                       I   CALL   INDRCT
             ACTOR                     U   JMP    NEXT
             WRITE                     U   JMP    FETCH
  4. EXCHANGE Instruction:

    ORG 12
    EXCHANGE: NOP                      I   CALL   INDRCT
              READ                     U   JMP    NEXT
              ACTOR, DRTAC             U   JMP    NEXT
              WRITE                    U   JMP    FETCH

Indirect Subroutine (INDRCT)

The indirect subroutine handles the indirect addressing mode:

ORG 67
INDRCT:   READ                       U   JMP    NEXT
          DRTAR                      U   RET