Register Transfer and Microoperations

Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit

In modern computer systems, individual registers do not directly perform micro-operations. Instead, these systems utilize multiple storage registers connected to a central operational unit known as the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). The ALU is a combinational circuit that executes arithmetic and logic operations. This configuration allows for the efficient transfer of data between registers via the ALU within a single clock pulse period.

To perform a micro-operation, the contents of specific registers are placed in the inputs of the ALU. The ALU processes these inputs to perform the desired operation, and the result is then transferred to a destination register. While shift micro-operations can be handled by a separate unit, they are often integrated into the ALU to streamline operations.

ALU Design

The ALU integrates arithmetic, logic, and shift circuits to create a versatile operational unit. One stage of an arithmetic logic shift unit is illustrated below. The subscript ii designates a typical stage. Inputs AiA_i and BiB_i are fed into both the arithmetic and logic units.


Inputs S1S_1 and S0S_0 determine the specific micro-operation to be executed. A 4x1 multiplexer at the output selects between an arithmetic output (EiE_i) and a logic output (HiH_i). This selection is controlled by inputs S3S_3 and S2S_2. The other two data inputs to the multiplexer are Ai1A_{i-1} for the shift-right operation and Ai+1A_{i+1} for the shift-left operation.

It is important to note that this description pertains to a single stage; the complete ALU circuit must be replicated nn times for an nn-bit ALU. The output carry Ci+1C_{i+1} of a given arithmetic stage must connect to the input carry CiC_i of the next stage. The input carry to the first stage is CinC_{\text{in}}, which provides a selection variable for arithmetic operations.

Operations of the ALU

The ALU specified here supports eight arithmetic operations, four logic operations, and two shift operations. These operations are selected using the five variables S3,S2,S1,S0S_3, S_2, S_1, S_0, and CinC_{\text{in}}. The input carry CinC_{\text{in}} is used exclusively for selecting arithmetic operations.

Function Table for the Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit

The function table lists the 14 operations supported by the ALU. The first eight are arithmetic operations selected with S3S2=00S_3S_2 = 00, as detailed below. The next four are logic operations selected with S3S2=01S_3S_2 = 01. During logic operations, the input carry is irrelevant and is marked with don't-care (x) values. The final two are shift operations, selected with S3S2=10S_3S_2 = 10 and 1111. The other three selection inputs do not affect the shift operations.

00000Transfer AF=AF = A
00010Increment AF=A+1F = A + 1
00100AdditionF=A+BF = A + B
00111Add with CarryF=A+B+1F = A + B + 1
00101Subtract with BorrowF=AB1F = A - B - 1
00110SubtractionF=ABF = A - B
00100Decrement AF=A1F = A - 1
00111Transfer AF=AF = A
0100xANDF=ABF = A \land B
0101xORF=ABF = A \lor B
0110xXORF=ABF = A \oplus B
0111xComplement AF=¬AF = \neg A
10xxxShift RightF=shr AF = \text{shr } A
11xxxShift LeftF=shl AF = \text{shl } A

Detailed Descriptions of Operations

  1. Transfer A: The contents of register AA are transferred directly to the output FF. F=AF = A

  2. Increment A: The contents of register AA are incremented by 1. F=A+1F = A + 1

  3. Addition: The contents of registers AA and BB are added together. F=A+BF = A + B

  4. Add with Carry: The contents of registers AA and BB are added along with the input carry. F=A+B+1F = A + B + 1

  5. Subtract with Borrow: The contents of register BB are subtracted from AA, accounting for an input borrow. F=AB1F = A - B - 1

  6. Subtraction: The contents of register BB are subtracted from AA. F=ABF = A - B

  7. Decrement A: The contents of register AA are decremented by 1. F=A1F = A - 1

  8. AND: A bitwise AND operation is performed between registers AA and BB. F=ABF = A \land B

  9. OR: A bitwise OR operation is performed between registers AA and BB. F=ABF = A \lor B

  10. XOR: A bitwise XOR operation is performed between registers AA and BB. F=ABF = A \oplus B

  11. Complement A: The contents of register AA are bitwise complemented. F=¬AF = \neg A

  12. Shift Right: The contents of register AA are shifted right. F=shr AF = \text{shr } A

  13. Shift Left: The contents of register AA are shifted left. F=shl AF = \text{shl } A

The integration of arithmetic, logic, and shift operations within a single ALU stage streamlines the micro-operation process, allowing efficient data transfer and processing within a single clock cycle. By utilizing selection variables, a wide range of operations can be performed, making the ALU a versatile and crucial component in modern computing systems.