ORG 5 ; Origin of program is location 0 LDA A ; Load operand from location A ADD B ; Add operand from location B STA C ; Store sum in location C HLT ; Halt computer
A, DEC 83 ; Decimal operand 83 stored at location A B, DEC -23 ; Decimal operand -23 stored at location B C, DEC 0 ; Sum stored in location C
END ; End of symbolic program
ORG 5 ; Origin of program is location 100 LDA SUB ; Load subtrahend (value to be subtracted) into the accumulator CMA ; Complement the value in the accumulator (two's complement) INC ; Increment the value in the accumulator to complete the two's complement negation ADD MIN ; Add minuend to the value in the accumulator (effectively subtracting the subtrahend from the minuend) STA DIF ; Store the result (difference) in location DIF HLT ; Halt the computer
MIN, DEC 83 ; Define the minuend (83) stored at location MIN SUB, DEC -23 ; Define the subtrahend (-23) stored at location SUB DIF, HEX 0 ; Define the difference (result) stored at location DIF, initialized to 0
END ; End of symbolic program