Introduction to Programming
The Assembler


ORG 5 ; Origin of program is location 100

LOP, CLE ; Clear the E register LDA Y ; Load the multiplier into the accumulator CIR ; Circular right shift of the accumulator and E STA Y ; Store the shifted multiplier back in Y SZE ; Skip the next instruction if E is zero BUN ONE ; If E is one, go to label ONE BUN ZRO ; If E is zero, go to label ZRO

ONE, LDA X ; Load the multiplicand into the accumulator ADD P ; Add the partial product STA P ; Store the new partial product

CLE ; Clear the E register

ZRO, LDA X ; Load the multiplicand into the accumulator CIL ; Circular left shift of the accumulator and E STA X ; Store the shifted multiplicand back in X ISZ CTR ; Increment the counter (CTR) and skip next instruction if zero BUN LOP ; If counter is not zero, repeat the loop HLT ; Halt the program

CTR, DEC 8 ; Initialize the counter to the number of bits (8) X, HEX 000F ; Multiplicand (15 in decimal) Y, HEX 000B ; Multiplier (11 in decimal) P, HEX 0 ; Initialize partial product to 0

END ; End of symbolic program