Data Representation

Complements in Digital Computers

Complements are essential in digital computers for simplifying subtraction operations and performing logical manipulations. In any base rr system, there are two types of complements: the rr's complement and the (r1)(r-1)'s complement. These complements play a significant role in computer arithmetic.

9's Complement and 1's Complement


Given a number NN in base rr with nn digits, the (r1)(r-1)'s complement of NN is defined as:

(rn1)N(r^n - 1) - N

For decimal numbers, r=10r = 10 and r1=9r-1 = 9, so the 9's complement of NN is:

10n1N10^n - 1 - N

Here, 10n10^n represents a number that consists of a single 1 followed by nn zeros. For example, with n=4n = 4, 104=1000010^4 = 10000 and 1041=999910^4 - 1 = 9999. Therefore, the 9's complement of a decimal number is obtained by subtracting each digit from 9.


  • The 9's complement of 5467 is:

    99995467=45329999 - 5467 = 4532

  • The 9's complement of 12389 is:

    9999912389=8761099999 - 12389 = 87610

Generalization to Other Bases

For octal (base 8) and hexadecimal (base 16) numbers, the (r1)(r-1)'s complement is obtained by subtracting each digit from 7 or 15 (F in hexadecimal), respectively.

10's Complement and 2's Complement


The rr's complement of an nn-digit number NN in base rr is defined as:

rnN for N0r^n - N \text{ for } N \neq 0 0 for N=00 \text{ for } N = 0

This can be viewed as adding 1 to the (r1)(r-1)'s complement:

rnN=[(rn1)N]+1r^n - N = [(r^n - 1) - N] + 1

Thus, the 10's complement of the decimal number 2389 is:

7610+1=76117610 + 1 = 7611

Similarly, the 2's complement of the binary number 1010 is:

0101+1=01100101 + 1 = 0110

Alternative Formation

For forming the rr's complement of NN, you can leave all the least significant zeros unchanged, subtract the first non-zero least significant digit from rr, and then subtract all higher significant digits from r1r-1.


  • The 10's complement of 246700 is obtained by leaving the two zeros unchanged, subtracting 7 from 10, and subtracting the other three digits from 9:


  • The 2's complement of the binary number 11001100 is obtained by leaving the two low-order 0's and the first 1 unchanged, then flipping the other bits:


Subtraction Using Complements

General Procedure

To subtract two nn-digit unsigned numbers MM and NN in base rr:

  1. Add the minuend MM to the rr's complement of the subtrahend NN:

    M+(rnN)=MN+rnM + (r^n - N) = M - N + r^n

  2. Discard the end carry rnr^n:

    • If MNM \geq N, the sum will produce an end carry rnr^n, which is discarded, and the result is MNM - N.

    • If M<NM < N, the sum does not produce an end carry. The result is rn(NM)r^n - (N - M), which is the rr's complement of NMN - M. To obtain the answer in a familiar form, take the rr's complement of the sum and place a negative sign in front.


  • Subtraction with MNM \geq N:

    725321325072532 - 13250

    • 10's complement of 13250 is 86750.

    • Add:

      72532+86750=15928272532 + 86750 = 159282

    • Discard the end carry:

      159282100000=59282159282 - 100000 = 59282

  • Subtraction with M<NM < N:

    132507253213250 - 72532

    • 10's complement of 72532 is 27468.

    • Add:

      13250+27468=4071813250 + 27468 = 40718

    • Result is negative since there is no end carry. The 10's complement of 40718 is 59282:

      Answer: 59282\text{Answer: } -59282

Binary Subtraction

Using 2's complement for binary subtraction follows the same principles:

  • Example: XYX - Y and YXY - X

    • Let X=1010100X = 1010100 and Y=1000011Y = 1000011.

    • 2's complement of YY is 01111010111101.

    • Add:

      1010100+0111101=100100011010100 + 0111101 = 10010001

    • Discard the end carry:

      0010001 (No end carry, result is positive)0010001 \text{ (No end carry, result is positive)}

    • For YXY - X:

      • 2's complement of XX is 01011000101100.

      • Add:

        1000011+0101100=11011111000011 + 0101100 = 1101111

      • No end carry, result is negative. The 2's complement of 1101111 is 0010001:

        Answer: 0010001\text{Answer: } -0010001

Handling Radix Points

When numbers contain a radix point, temporarily remove it to form the rr's or (r1)(r-1)'s complement. Restore the radix point in the complemented number at the same relative position.

Complement of the Complement

The complement of the complement restores the original number. The rr's complement of NN is rnNr^n - N. The complement of the complement is:

rn(rnN)=Nr^n - (r^n - N) = N

Subtraction of Unsigned Numbers

The direct method of subtraction using the borrow concept is less efficient in digital hardware compared to using complements. By adding the minuend MM to the rr's complement of the subtrahend NN, we can simplify subtraction significantly.

Procedure Summary

  1. Add MM to the rr's complement of NN.
  2. Discard the end carry if present.
  3. If no end carry, the result is the rr's complement of the difference, with a negative sign.

This method is highly efficient and preferred for binary arithmetic in digital systems.