The Mano Machine (opens in a new tab) is a simplified model of a 16-bit microprocessor architecture commonly used in educational settings to teach the fundamental concepts of computer organization and assembly language programming. It serves as an ideal introductory tool for understanding the internal workings of modern microprocessors, encompassing essential features such as instruction sets, registers, memory organization, and control logic.
This documentation aims to serve as a comprehensive guide to the Mano machine's architecture, instruction set, and operational principles. It is designed to assist learners in mastering the concepts and practical skills required to work with this theoretical computer.
More specifically, this website was created to alleviate the lack of centralized, modern resources available to students in computer engineering, especially in the Digital Systems and Computer Architecture courses at the University of Ottawa.
Students in ITI 1100 are recommended to study to the end of the "Data Representation" section. CEG 2136 students should study through the "Programming the Basic Computer". CEG 3136 students are expected to complete their studies through the "Central Processing Unit" section, finishing the entire documentation.
You can likely find the textbook around (opens in a new tab) online (opens in a new tab) as well as the corresponding solutions (opens in a new tab).
Youtube lectures are available online for ITI 1100 (opens in a new tab) and CEG 2136 (opens in a new tab).
Students have shared their previous work (opens in a new tab) and have graciously uploaded review (opens in a new tab) sessions (opens in a new tab) to practice.